April - the month when the spring sun brings energy not only to nature, but also subconsciously to all people. Just a look at nature itself has a very positive effect on your mood. This month is often described as very happy. And the planets confirm this saying with their advantageous (although somewhat chaotic) positions.
We have Venus coming into Aries from April 5th to the 29th. During this time, you may tend to make impulsive decisions - with your heart. When it comes to love and relationships, you become unstoppable in your efforts, sometimes even uncompromising.
Mercury will go retrograde on April 1st until April 26th, and it will be in Aries from the 10th to the 15th. In this period, your thinking will be decisive, which will be a great advantage for solving any kind of problems. But you need to wait until after April when Mercury goes direct, to act on those decisions.
OF COURSE THE BIG NEWS IS THE APRIL 8 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, which is getting a lot of attention because of the spectacle it’s expected to create. We have friends who are planning “Eclipse Vacations.” But the eclipse action actually began on March 25, 2024, a Lunar Eclipse at the Libra full moon! We have been in a cycle of eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis. These are the zodiac signs that rule war and peace, themes that have rocked the world (and probably each of us) over the past year-plus. Aries is ruled by combative Mars, Libra by conciliatory Venus. They’ve arrived to help us work through that balance. It’s been a tricky operation, but there’s still time, and the opportunity to spread peace exists at the individual level too. The Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 was a wake-up call for all of us to examine our relationships, and how well we coexist with people who might have very different values and agendas than our own.
Individually and collectively, the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse can set each of us on a new path that we hadn’t imagined for ourselves. While it may be surprising—or not something we even expected—a Solar Eclipse has a bigger vision in store for all of us. But there’s more, Chiron sits right next to the Solar Eclipse! Chiron (the “wounded healer”) helps us unlock the wisdom gained from our hardships. So set your intentions for the next six months and get into action. Challenge yourself to shine in new ways and be open to major personal growth.
There is another event on April 21st that will be very impactful. The outer planets of Jupiter and Uranus come together in conjunction. Jupiter, in astrology, is our planet of expansion. It magnifies and expands whatever it touches. It brings opportunity and hope as it travels in our skies. Uranus is our planet of change. It is the lightning bolt cracking open what no longer works for us so that new things can be planted. The meeting of these two planets is a spark of innovative, abundant (sometimes disrupting) new energies in each person’s natal chart house. Collectively, it invites a new wave of freedom, societal change, and evolution. There can also be a deeply spiritual energy to this transit, as if there are spiritual hands opening doors to support us on our unique journeys. Note that these energies will be active not just on April 20th, the day of the conjunction, but from April 3 to May 7, 2024.
So use this month to lean into the idea of allowing personal changes to take place so deeply, that it is truly like dying to yourself, only to be reborn. Maybe put a little attention onto what changes need to continue and deepen. MANY BLESSINGS, JULIE