Practitioner Art
We at Nature’s Treasures are showcasing artwork created by our in house practitioners. Our artists will be featured on a monthly basis so you will have the opportunity to see the beauty and feel the energy from these amazing works of art. All artwork is for sale. Prices are displayed with the piece. Please pay for your selection at the front counter.
March Artist: Denise Nitti
Intuitive Energy Artist
I connect with your energy and paint what I feel. Sometimes I paint with my hands and sometimes with a brush.
*Personalized Message included with each painting
• Angel Messages • Personalized Readings • Personalized Energy Painting • Vibrational Energy Paintings
More about Denise, our other practitioners, and upcoming events @ Sign up for our newsletter to see our featured artist and more.
moreApril Artist: Tore Sol
Abstract Aura Paintings
Toré Sol is an Austin native raised in Washington state and had moved back in 2016 after graduation. Toré started doing energy readings & healing in 2020 which eventually led to the rekindling of their passion for painting. Toré primarily uses acrylic on canvas following more of an abstract/paint pour theme. Majority of their work is custom Abstract Aura Paintings. They start by taking a polaroid with a neutral background, then meditate with the photo to visualize the person's aura colors & patterns within the auric field. This energy is then painted and reiki charged to promote self realization and healing wherever the painting is hung. Consider it an Energy selfie with the goal of seeing your true colors. Every Abstract Aura painting is accompanied with a detailed explanation of the aura colors and anything else that may have come up during the session. To order a custom Aura Painting please ask the front counter staff; they'll get you set up with a picture and collect payment. Aura painting takes about 1 week to create and can be shipped directly to you or picked up at Nature's Treasures.
In addition to Aura Painting, Toré also creates other forms of energy paintings using reiki symbols and their personal spiritual experiences with other energies. These will be available for purchase in the Practitioner room during the month of April. Prints will also be available alongside original copies. If you have any additional questions about the Aura paintings or any other artwork available please contact Toré directly at
moreMay's Artist: Sheela Goodrich
Mixed Media
With a passion for the expressive arts, Sheela’s work incorporates therapeutic art with a curious and playful exploration of energy in motion. Much like her practice as a mixed modality intuitive energy healer, she utilizes mixed mediums in her artworks such as acrylic, watercolor, pastel, charcoal, ink, and paper collage. Her intention is to communicate a depth of beauty & sensual emotion with texture, shape, and the abstract human form and to bring her own vision and that of the unseen world into the viewers experience.
moreJune's Artist: Stern Hatcher
My photographic work is a word salad of imagery. My subjects range from the exodus of shoppers, lightning storms, interesting studio portraits, and festivals, to a tiny spider’s dinner. Since 1986, teaching photography has guided my path in helping others, and I have collected many cameras, photographs, images, and tools. I take photos using the creative aspects of learned formal composition with a “Catch-as-catch-can” approach.
I studied visual art at Texas Lutheran University and earned a Master in Art and Technology from The University of Texas Dallas. I have taught college, high school, and junior high students creative photography. We all have our phones, but time, experience, glass, and technique create my style. My imagery contains vital elements of design, color, beauty, or oddity. I do this work expressively, portraying life through the eyes of a passerby. My view of reality follows straight photography traditions, finding art in our personal or alien environments. My current projects include nature photography and studying alternative fabrics, unusual or non-traditional clothing, and the human form in the struggle of finding the self.
moreJuly Artist - Yuci Edwards
Yuci Edwards
Holistic Spiritual Guide
As a Spiritual Counselor, Yuci guides her clients to live more holistic lives by helping them to be balanced in spirit, mind and body. She believes that if you have inner peace, you can overcome any life challenges with ease. Yuci offers individual or group classes and workshops to help bring inner peace and harmony to her clines lives. She uses various tools such as Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Angel Guiding, Akashic Records, Tarot Readings and Coffee cup mapping.
My Facebook and Instagram name is Yuci Edwards. You can connect with me by my phone # 210 452 7303
moreAugust Artist -Julie Reeves
I discovered that painting was what I was meant to do. Since that time, I have discovered the images that Spirit give me and how to make colors and light sing. I enjoy working with watercolors and mixed media; my subject matter is mainly landscapes, flowers spiritual studies and birdlife. I have been branching out into abstract shapes. I strive to show that the seemingly delicate medium of watercolor can be bold, rich and dramatic.
These paintings are crafted from watercolors made from actual semi-precious and other Earth stones ground and mixed into watercolor medium. These stones include Turquoise, Amethyst, Sedona Red, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger Eye and many others. They are made with gum Arabic and honey as a binder by a company called Daniel Smith. The paper used is transparent so that it reflects sunlight through the individual colors. The results are living color energies that radiate from the paper to heal and lift spirits.
As with all original watercolor art pieces, they should be matted (not placed against a glass) and hung in a place out of direct sunlight. They are permanent-sealed art works (just avoid moisture) intended to be treasured by you and your family.
moreNovember Artists - Judith Miller & Pam Jernigan
Judith Miller - Judith Miller a native Texan is a BFA graduate of Unversity of Tulsa, where she studied with Alexander Hogue, Chuck Tomlins, & Tom Manhart. Her major influences Dada, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism & Op Art with particular attentionto the Decalcomania methodology of Max Ernst & slashing brilliance of Jackson Pollock make her work unique. Her most recent work includes an exploration of the inclusion of crushed glass fret and sculptural macrame with the decalcomania methodology of Max Ernst.
Pam Jernigan - l began my journey as an artist at the age of 66. I accidentally started with a landscape quilt. I was visiting a friend in Colorado that had a beautiful garden. I asked her if I could try to make a quilt that looked like her garden and then stopped in shock. I had never made a quilt and had never studied art When she said "yes" I knew that I had to at least try, even though I felt sure I could never do it. After 4 months of denial, I finished Sherry's Garden and was so excited to see how beautiful it was. I was hooked! Now use many different types of fabric and fibers, as well as other media, to create with. I also use many different methods to achieve the look I want. Usually my inspiration comes from finding an unusual fabric or yarn and then "seeing" what it could be. It took me two years and a couple of hundred pieces to say the words "I am an artist" out loud. I still look at my work with amazement and wonder. I often ask myself how this talent was in me all those years and I didn't know it. So now 'When someone tells me they could never do what I do, I just tell them I didn't know I could do it either!
moreJanuary Artist - Josie Middleton
As an artist, I try to use my Spirit Guides and my dreams. I love using a wide variety of techniques, with Watercolor, Gouache and any items for collages. It’s an intuitive feeling of love and expression. I will use any number of items for my expressions! I hope that everyone feels their heart in my art! As an Austin, Texas native , I feel I am lucky to have been a part of the very creative areas of this City. ENJOY!