November Artists - Judith Miller & Pam Jernigan
Judith Miller - Judith Miller a native Texan is a BFA graduate of Unversity of Tulsa, where she studied with Alexander Hogue, Chuck Tomlins, & Tom Manhart. Her major influences Dada, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism & Op Art with particular attentionto the Decalcomania methodology of Max Ernst & slashing brilliance of Jackson Pollock make her work unique. Her most recent work includes an exploration of the inclusion of crushed glass fret and sculptural macrame with the decalcomania methodology of Max Ernst.
Pam Jernigan - l began my journey as an artist at the age of 66. I accidentally started with a landscape quilt. I was visiting a friend in Colorado that had a beautiful garden. I asked her if I could try to make a quilt that looked like her garden and then stopped in shock. I had never made a quilt and had never studied art When she said "yes" I knew that I had to at least try, even though I felt sure I could never do it. After 4 months of denial, I finished Sherry's Garden and was so excited to see how beautiful it was. I was hooked! Now use many different types of fabric and fibers, as well as other media, to create with. I also use many different methods to achieve the look I want. Usually my inspiration comes from finding an unusual fabric or yarn and then "seeing" what it could be. It took me two years and a couple of hundred pieces to say the words "I am an artist" out loud. I still look at my work with amazement and wonder. I often ask myself how this talent was in me all those years and I didn't know it. So now 'When someone tells me they could never do what I do, I just tell them I didn't know I could do it either!