


Picking up where we left off in July, 2024, remember that we now have FOUR planets in retrograde, Neptune, Chiron, Saturn and Pluto. While most of these retrograde planets are working on subtle levels, we still feel energies slow down. It is the...


Humans and rocks have a relationship that goes back to the beginning. To relate to an inanimate object as if it has energy or consciousness might sound odd in today’s world. Yet there are modern-day shamans, mystics, healers, and highly attuned sensitives who have vivid experiences with...


The Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible is an enigmatic read—full of futuristic visions, puzzling metaphors, and cryptic passages. It was written around the year AD 95 by John, a Christian prophet. Revelation begins with seven letters of exhortation to seven...

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As I sit down to look at the astrology for the month ahead, I almost can’t believe it’s July already! July is one of the most magical months of the year as we experience the Sirius Gateway. The Sirius Gateway happens once a year during the first week of July and is when our Sun conjuncts...


The power of crystals and gemstones has been seeping into many facets of our lives. Social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, are awash with videos about gemstone jewelry, crystal healing, crystal grids, crystal skulls, crystal infused skincare—you name it. The crystal craze has...


This month, we are still in a period of gentler transformation and growth for all zodiac signs (very thankful). The Sun is now in Gemini from May 20th to June 20th, triggering all sorts of communication with all sorts of people (some of which you probably don’t enjoy). As we navigate Gemini...

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There’s just something about gemstones, rocks, and crystals that has transfixed humanity since the beginning. The gleam of obsidian caught the eye of ancient indigenous hunters, who fashioned it into arrowheads. Mesmerizing blue shades of turquoise and lapis lazuli inspired some...


This month, we are all still a little jazzed by the positive but impactful Solar Eclipse on April 8th; which will continue to affect us for about 8 months. So with that underlying energy going on, we need to look at what is on the surface for May.

The alignment of the planets suggests a...


“Does it go against the Bible to work with crystals?” In my work as a crystal healer, this is a question I have been asked before.

I encourage others to seek and follow what feels true and right for them in terms of religion and spirituality. If there’s a...


April - the month when the spring sun brings energy not only to nature, but also subconsciously to all people. Just a look at nature itself has a very positive effect on your mood. This month is often described as very happy. And the planets confirm this saying with their advantageous (although...
