Julie Reeves
Personal Note: Find out how all these events affect you in 2025. Please contact me at for an appointment. All consults may be done on Zoom and video recorded for you to keep.
Welcome to April 2025 – Hello and welcome to April 2025! After the whirlwind energy of March, the Solar Eclipse on March 29 and Neptune’s shift from Pisces into fiery Aries, we are all overwhelmed, emotional and tired. Now April comes in with calmer planetary aspects, which restore momentum, spark manifestation, and clear the way for progress. With eclipse season behind us and planetary retrogrades untangling, there is a light at the end, making this the perfect time to realign with your desires. If you've been feeling stuck (with Venus and Mercury both retrograde, expect solutions and clarity to return in baby steps, especially toward the third week of April.
Before we get the details, let me share some “color energy” hints. To work with the energy of this month, holistic tools can help your focus, emotions and confidence. If you are interested in stone elemental energies, fire and earth elements dominate. Citrine, Pyrite and Tiger’s Eye crystals will be powerful allies, strengthening stability, motivation and prosperity. Colors also hold vibrational energy — gold and yellow enhance clarity, green promotes heart healing, and red fuels action and courage. As we move through April’s planetary shifts, these tools will help align your energy with the opportunities ahead.
moreThe Galvanic Power of Glass Gemstones
Adrienne Goff
Natural vs. Anthropogenic (Synthetic)
Glass, it’s a ubiquitous and alluring material that we encounter every day in items such as windows, tableware, electronics, decorative art, costume jewelry, and more. We have perfected techniques for manufacturing glass in a beautiful array of colors and for so many practical applications. Yet, Mother Nature is the true and original inventor of this material through the dramatic forces of volcanic activity, meteorite impacts, and weather events.
What is glass? Is it a crystal, and does it have healing properties?
In simplest terms, glass is sand or rock that has been melted and transformed chemically by natural or artificial means. Sand is primarily composed of silicon dioxide molecules, which is the chemical composition of quartz. When these molecules are heated at high temperatures, the sand liquifies and loses its crystalline structure, becoming an amorphous solid. Amorphous solids lack the defining characteristic of crystals, which is a repeating pattern of atoms and molecules that form an organized and defined internal lattice structure.
Although glass is a mineraloid and not technically a crystal, glass gemstones do have therapeutic, metaphysical, healing properties. In fact, those who can feel the energy of minerals and gemstones often report feeling a particularly high or strong vibration when holding natural glass stones such as Obsidian or Moldavite. These are some of the most highly coveted and effective energy tools for clearing, protection, transformation, and spiritual activation.
moreAura Quartz: A Crystal of Rainbow Alchemy
By Adrienne Goff
Aura Quartz is a mesmerizing new species of crystal with iridescent flash that comes in all the juicy flavors of the rainbow. It dazzles and delights the senses, seeming to come straight out of a magical book of fairytales.
In simple terms, Aura Quartz is natural quartz coated with a thin layer of precious metals. It is a mystical synergy resulting in crystals that exhibit an enchanting array of iridescent colors and an amplified field of high-vibrational light.
Aura Quartz is an uplifting treasure for anyone who is reaching for the light. Quartz has natural amplifying powers, and metals lend a quality of strength, power, and conductivity. When fused together, you have a brand-new creature: a crystalline tool that is an elevator, an energy healer, and a lighthouse guiding you to the higher dimensions.
In general, Aura Quartz can clear, activate, and treat all chakras, and it fortifies and protects the auric field. It vitalizes and replenishes your energy while enhancing joy and positivity. Aura Quartz expands your consciousness and awakens psychic superpowers, and it assists with ascension and light body activation. Each variety of Aura Quartz has its own special focus and array of metaphysical properties based on its metallic content.
Julie Reeves
Personal Note; March has both Lunar and Solar Eclipses, and Venus and Mercury both go retrograde. Find out how all these events affect you in 2025. Please contact me at for an appointment. All consults may be done on Zoom and video recorded for you to keep.
Welcome to March 2025 -- a month of push/pull. There's reflection and forward movement, pause and transformation. Venus and Mercury both station retrograde, offering us a chance to slow down, reassess, and look inward. Eclipses and planetary shifts add intensity, while Aries season calls us to embrace bold new beginnings. The themes of reflection and action weave together, reminding us to stay grounded while making decisive moves toward what inspires us.
The 2025 Eclipses season is upon us, the Lunar Eclipse on March 14 adding intensity to your Virgo/Pisces axis. And then the Solar Eclipse on March 29 in Aries prompting us to make (or accept) changes. The themes of reflection and action weave together, reminding us to stay grounded while making decisive moves toward what inspires us.
Julie Reeves
February has much more positive energy than January, and by the time we reach the end of the month we should have more resources and be feeling more energized and ready to tackle the energies that 2025 has been bringing our way so far.
The month begins on the 1st with a beautifully healing triple conjunction with Venus, Neptune and briefly, the Moon all at 27°-28° Pisces radiating healing, intuitive energies. It will positively affect all of us, but check your natal chart, if you have any planet at that degree mark it will positively affect you. All of us can really use this right now.
Jupiter is stationing direct in Gemini on February 4, a welcomed energy dynamic that will bring in more resources and opportunities to help resolve issues with which we have been struggling. It also encourages us to have a more positive “you got this” attitude.
Then we have the Leo Full Moon on February 12 but the lunation is square chaotic Uranus. This changing energy can feel unsettling at first, but holds the promise of healing, too. It seems that whatever changes or upheaval we experience under this Full Moon is leading us to a brighter and more aligned path.
moreKyanite: A Crystalline Wand of Many Colors
Adrienne Goff
Kyanite: it’s like a rainbow bridge linking human consciousness to other dimensions and inner planes, creating and calibrating connections to all that is. It is a full-spectrum healing stone and precision tool with the versatility to treat all chakras and various aspects of your bio-system. Kyanite transmits a sparkling, high vibration that can elevate your consciousness to the stars and beyond—while keeping you aligned, centered, and anchored in the here and now. It moves you into a feel-good flow as cleansing and refreshing as a dip in Barton Springs. Whatever the issue is that has you reaching for a support crystal, Kyanite is always an appropriate choice. Expressing in a multitude of colors, it has a host of noteworthy geological and metaphysical properties that make it a must-have crystal.
Geological Properties
Kyanite is an aluminosilicate mineral made up of aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. It is formed when aluminum-rich minerals undergo metamorphism in the Earth’s crust due to high pressure. This causes the original matter to crystallize into new forms. Kyanite is often found in areas that underwent tectonic activity and mountain building, such as the Alps, the Appalachian Mountains, and the Himalayas.
Julie Reeves
The New Year is live and the vibe is wild from the get-go. As January 2025 begins, we’re in the heart of Capricorn season. Our inner impulses are raring to get directly to the business of building self-confidence and control of our world. But hold on—we’ve got to work our way through some deeply emotional territory first. Before we hit the gas, the universe wants us to take a step back and consider whether we really want what we’re planning. Remember Mars is retrograde until January 23, so momentum is at a standstill (so is our energy level and maybe even our libido?). If we are not sure what we want, what needs to happen to provide the missing pieces?
January 2- Venus enters Pisces
Because the love planet is exalted in this magical, mutable water sign, we might all feel sensitive and a bit psychic, especially regarding our relationships. This is major news for another reason: Venus will return to Pisces in late March during a retrograde, so love stories that start at the beginning of this year might have a long tail. This Piscean playlist is exactly the soft background music we need, because ---
January 3 - Mars Opposes Pluto
moreThe Twelve Foundation Stones of the Heavenly City - Chrysoprase
Adrienne Goff
As we turn the page of the calendar to December, we come to the final chapter of the year and the last article in the twelve foundation stones series. With the election just behind us and the winter holiday season ahead, it is fitting that this month’s article features chrysoprase, a healing green gemstone that soothes the senses, opens the heart, and promotes tolerance.
Ancient cultures across the planet believed in the healing energy of crystals, incorporating them into their medicine, rituals, and daily spiritual practices. The power of gemstones has been recognized in many religions and religious texts, and Christianity is no exception. You can find over a hundred references in the Bible to the use of stones, and perhaps the most interesting one is found in the Book of Revelation.
The Book of Revelation is an enigmatic read, filled with visionary accounts of the end of the world and the second coming of Christ. The final two chapters, 21 and 22, are said to metaphorically describe the heavenly realm, and it is where we find mention of a future holy city. This city made of gold was described as having twelve stones in the foundation.
What are the Twelve Foundation Stones?
Julie Reeves
As we move through the final month of 2024, our hearts may be in a reflective mode thanks to Mercury and Mars being retrograde in unison. We may feel the busy pace of the season too exhausting this year and find ourselves seeking comfort in a slower and more relaxed end to 2024.
Mercury and Mars retrograde together can create a general sense of sluggishness, lack of motivation, and a feeling of climbing uphill. We would be wise to take it easy, not take on too much, and prioritize self-care. December can be a stressful month for many with holiday planning, travel and family plans, but if you needed any excuse to keep it low key this year, these two retrogrades are a good one!
While we do have Mercury and Mars both slowing down, we also have sense of wrapping up the past. Issues that we have been dealing with for the last 6 months may begin to settle or resolve. We may start to realize the bigger picture or begin to see new truths. This will especially kick into gear as Neptune stations direct on December 7.
December is also a special month as we experience with a Black Moon. This occurs when we have two New Moons in the same calendar month. December 2024 opens with a Sagittarius New Moon on the 1st and ends with a Capricorn New Moon on the 30th.
moreThe Twelve Foundation Stones of the Heavenly City - Topaz
Adrienne Goff
Topaz shines brightly as the subject of this month’s twelve foundation stones article. It comes in the full spectrum of color, from rich chocolate brown to soft lilac and everything in between. Topaz is like a genie in a gemstone package, with powers to manifest your heartfelt wishes and bring a windfall of positive blessings related to love, wealth, success, luck, and joy.
Many ancient cultures across the globe believed in the healing energy of crystals, incorporating them into their medicine, rituals, and daily spiritual routines. The power of gemstones has been recognized in many religions and religious texts, and Christianity is no exception. You can find references in the Bible to the use of stones, and perhaps the most interesting one is found in the Book of Revelation.
The Book of Revelation is an enigmatic read, filled with visionary accounts of the end of the world and the second coming of Christ. The final two chapters, 21 and 22, are said to metaphorically describe the heavenly realm, and it is where we find mention of a future holy city. This city made of gold was described as having twelve stones in the foundation.
What are the Twelve Foundation Stones?