Aura Quartz is a mesmerizing new species of crystal with iridescent flash that comes in all the juicy flavors of the rainbow. It dazzles and delights the senses, seeming to come straight out of a magical book of fairytales.
In simple terms, Aura Quartz is natural quartz coated with a thin layer of precious metals. It is a mystical synergy resulting in crystals that exhibit an enchanting array of iridescent colors and an amplified field of high-vibrational light.
Aura Quartz is an uplifting treasure for anyone who is reaching for the light. Quartz has natural amplifying powers, and metals lend a quality of strength, power, and conductivity. When fused together, you have a brand-new creature: a crystalline tool that is an elevator, an energy healer, and a lighthouse guiding you to the higher dimensions.
In general, Aura Quartz can clear, activate, and treat all chakras, and it fortifies and protects the auric field. It vitalizes and replenishes your energy while enhancing joy and positivity. Aura Quartz expands your consciousness and awakens psychic superpowers, and it assists with ascension and light body activation. Each variety of Aura Quartz has its own special focus and array of metaphysical properties based on its metallic content.
How Aura Quartz is Made:
Aura Quartz is the result of a collaboration between Mother Nature and the modern alchemy of scientists. The process involves electrostatically bonding precious metals and minerals to the surface of quartz crystals. The quartz crystals are placed into a vacuum chamber with vaporized metals and heated to over 1472 degrees Fahrenheit for 12-18 hours. The atoms of the metals bond permanently to the surface of the Quartz, creating a thin layer of opalescent, metallic sheen that cannot be rubbed off.
There are dozens of different kinds of Aura Quartz, each the result of different metal combinations. It is not easy to get accurate information about the exact metal ingredients in each variety, as this information is considered proprietary. Gold, silver, titanium, platinum, nickel, iron, and magnesium are the most commonly used metals found in Aura Quartz.
A Word of Caution about Fakes:
The popularity of Aura Quartz is on the rise due to its enchanting colors and its plethora of desirable metaphysical properties. There are only a few companies worldwide that have the equipment needed to produce these crystals, and the cost of the metals used to make them keeps increasing. This has led to a situation in which “fake” Aura Quartz is beginning to flood the market.
Certain manufacturers are using inferior metals or spraying quartz with a lacquer that has rainbow metallic pigments in it. Some are even using glass as the base instead of natural quartz crystal. Here are a few signs of a fake Aura Quartz:
· It has a thick layer of perfectly uniform rainbow iridescence that looks painted on. (A genuine Aura Quartz has a faint, uneven rainbow sheen that appears to be part of the crystal itself.)
· You see flaws or cracks in the coating, or you can rub or scratch it off. (The coating of authentic Aura Quartz is molecularly bonded and cannot be damaged by scratching it.)
· It has an unusually low price. (Real Aura Quartz is usually priced higher than the fakes.)
When purchasing Aura Quartz, it is recommended to seek out a reputable crystal supplier, such as Nature’s Treasures.
8 Popular Varieties of Aura Quartz:
Aura Quartz is known for its delightful, flashing color rays that feel like they come straight from the higher dimensions. I have counted over forty types of Aura Quartz varieties that are on the market, and new ones are being created all the time. Here’s a metaphysical guide to some of the most popular and readily available ones.
Angel Aura Quartz (aka Opal Aura Quartz or Unicorn Aura Quartz): This enchanting crystal emits the full spectrum of pearly iridescent rainbow colors and resembles a White Fire Opal. Silver and platinum are the magic ingredients responsible for its dazzling color and energy. Angel Aura Quartz has a peaceful, yet joyful and uplifting frequency that resonates with the divine and angelic realms. It radiates pure and sweet energy that feels like an etheric encounter with a unicorn.
Angel Aura Quartz awakens the higher chakras and attunes you to the akashic records, higher spiritual beings, your soul’s mission, and the frequency of beauty. It brightens and lifts the emotions. It purifies the chakras, the auric field, the mental body, and the heart. Angel Aura Quartz has a harmonizing quality that brings you into a higher alignment and has been said to help activate the rainbow light body.
Aqua Aura Quartz: This oceanic crystal is reminiscent of glittering Caribbean waters and shimmery mermaid tails. Aqua Aura Quartz gets its aqua blue color and pearlescent iridescence from the addition of gold to Clear Quartz. It captures the essence of the water element and all its healing powers.
Aqua Aura Quartz has remarkable cleansing powers that transmute negativity in the chakras, auric field, thoughts, and emotions. It seals the aura, preventing energy drain and psychic attack. It also soothes and unwinds tension, providing stress relief and a greater sense of peace. Aqua Aura Quartz activates and clears the throat chakra, which promotes heartfelt communication and the expression of truth. It connects your consciousness to higher realms and opens the door for multidimensional communication: receiving messages from spirit and becoming a channel who brings them through to assist others. Aqua Aura Quartz brings healing to the immune and respiratory systems.
Titanium Aura Quartz (aka Rainbow Aura Quartz): This bold and beautiful crystal is coated with titanium, giving it a metallic rainbow sheen that looks like peacock feathers or an oil slick. A master crystal known as the “Stone of Universal Light,” it has serious energizing qualities, yet it inspires lightheartedness and the high spiritual quality of humor.
Titanium Aura Quartz brings out your dynamic personality, boosting your wit and charisma and helping you to relax and enjoy life. Titanium Aura Quartz is highly energizing to the physical body, the subtle bodies, and all the chakras. It releases blockages and patches holes in the aura. It brings you into a grounded, clear, balanced, energized state perfect for taking on the world.
This magical crystal connects with the frequency of the rainbow and the pure bliss that exists in the higher realms. It activates the rainbow light body and assists with multidimensional shifts and attunement. It stimulates visionary experiences and communication across dimensional planes with galactic beings, spirit guides, angels, and etheric entities. Titanium Aura Quartz is known as a multidimensional master healer that can treat the energetic root cause of any health condition.
Sunset Aura Quartz (aka Tangerine Aura Quartz): Reflecting the vibrant hues of flickering flames and the setting sun, Sunset Aura Quartz is clear quartz bonded with gold and iron. This golden orange crystal shimmers with iridescent flashes of magenta and pink.
Like the sun, it is overflowing with energy that can recharge the cells, brighten your mood, and boost your stamina and strength. Sunset Aura enhances mental clarity, spiritual vision, and energetic alignment. It helps you to ground light and intentions into physical manifestation. It boosts confidence and can assist you in healing trauma.
Cobalt Aura Quartz: Vivid shades of deep metallic blue, violet, and gold make Cobalt Aura Quartz a real stunner. Clear quartz crystal is bonded with cobalt to create this twilight crystal of inner reflection.
Cobalt Aura Quartz can fine-tune your clairvoyance and healing powers. It helps you to read the energy and true intentions in yourself and others with great clarity and objectivity. Cobalt Aura Quartz has a high vibration that heightens creativity, joy, and personal expression. It can clear old emotions and blockages that lead to illness, and it is known to assist in healing conditions that aren’t responding to traditional medical treatments.
Celestial Aura Quartz (aka Tanzine Aura Quartz): This soft violet-blue beauty with a subtle rainbow iridescence captures the magic of lunar and heavenly dreamscapes. It is a combination of clear quartz bonded with indium and gold.
Celestial Aura Quartz awakens the soul star, crown, and third eye chakras while activating and balancing the pineal and pituitary glands. This fosters multidimensional spiritual attunement and a flourishing of the psychic gifts. Celestial Aura Quartz has a centering quality that moves your consciousness into alignment with the grace and peace of the higher realms. It has a balancing effect on the hormones and emotions. Celestial Aura Quartz is a crystal of spiritual comfort, unity, and divine love.
Apple Aura Quartz: This juicy, Granny Smith colored crystal gets its yellow-green iridescence from nickel. This health-boosting crystal resonates with the spleen, which strengthens the immune system and purifies the blood. In Chinese medicine, a spleen imbalance can lead to worry, mental exhaustion, and energy drain. Apple Aura Quartz protects the spleen and sets up clear energetic boundaries to block energy vampirism. It helps you to cut cords with people from your past who might be draining you. Apple Aura Quartz assists you in overcoming negative patterns while bringing greater levels of joy and emotional equilibrium.
Rose Aura Quartz: Rose Aura Quartz gets its light pink, pearly iridescent color from platinum. The color and energy of this crystal is like the petals of an enchanting pink rose, a symbol of Divine Feminine love. Rose Aura Quartz is especially supportive of women in healing body image issues, abuse, and hormonal imbalances. It is said to activate the pineal gland and the heart chakra, healing self-doubt and deepening self-love. It infuses all the cells with a transmission of unconditional love, which has a powerful restorative effect on health and well-being. It has a beautiful, nurturing quality that soothes physical and emotional inflammation.
Aura Quartz is a feast for the eyes and a delightful treasure that touches the inner child and the spirit within us all. With so many stunning varieties to choose from, it is recommended that you open your heart and see which one calls to you most. It will bring in the highest transmissions of interdimensional light, serving as a crystalline guide in your personal soul alchemy process.