


Picking up where we left off in July, 2024, remember that we now have FOUR planets in retrograde, Neptune, Chiron, Saturn and Pluto. While most of these retrograde planets are working on subtle levels, we still feel energies slow down. It is the...


Humans and rocks have a relationship that goes back to the beginning. To relate to an inanimate object as if it has energy or consciousness might sound odd in today’s world. Yet there are modern-day shamans, mystics, healers, and highly attuned sensitives who have vivid experiences with...


The Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible is an enigmatic read—full of futuristic visions, puzzling metaphors, and cryptic passages. It was written around the year AD 95 by John, a Christian prophet. Revelation begins with seven letters of exhortation to seven...

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As I sit down to look at the astrology for the month ahead, I almost can’t believe it’s July already! July is one of the most magical months of the year as we experience the Sirius Gateway. The Sirius Gateway happens once a year during the first week of July and is when our Sun conjuncts...


The power of crystals and gemstones has been seeping into many facets of our lives. Social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, are awash with videos about gemstone jewelry, crystal healing, crystal grids, crystal skulls, crystal infused skincare—you name it. The crystal craze has...


This month, we are still in a period of gentler transformation and growth for all zodiac signs (very thankful). The Sun is now in Gemini from May 20th to June 20th, triggering all sorts of communication with all sorts of people (some of which you probably don’t enjoy). As we navigate Gemini...

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There’s just something about gemstones, rocks, and crystals that has transfixed humanity since the beginning. The gleam of obsidian caught the eye of ancient indigenous hunters, who fashioned it into arrowheads. Mesmerizing blue shades of turquoise and lapis lazuli inspired some...


This month, we are all still a little jazzed by the positive but impactful Solar Eclipse on April 8th; which will continue to affect us for about 8 months. So with that underlying energy going on, we need to look at what is on the surface for May.

The alignment of the planets suggests a...


“Does it go against the Bible to work with crystals?” In my work as a crystal healer, this is a question I have been asked before.

I encourage others to seek and follow what feels true and right for them in terms of religion and spirituality. If there’s a...


April - the month when the spring sun brings energy not only to nature, but also subconsciously to all people. Just a look at nature itself has a very positive effect on your mood. This month is often described as very happy. And the planets confirm this saying with their advantageous (although...


Typically, with March comes some of the year’s most important and deeply felt energetic shifts. To be candid, this month is pretty disorganized, so don’t be discouraged if you feel overwhelmed. It’ll be easy (and maybe even healthy) for anyone to occasionally slip into escapist activities; a...


The Russian painter, Wassily Kandinsky, was right when he said, “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” Color has therapeutic value and the power to subtly affect your mood, emotions, and state of mind. If you need to shift how you are doing or feeling, you can consciously choose...


The Twelve Foundation Stones of the Holy City: Jasper

Have you noticed that the popularity of crystals and gemstones has skyrocketed in the past few years? Crystal healing has been trending on TikTok and on social media platforms, and several major celebrities have been...


We are focusing on February, 2024, but to do that successfully must back up a few days. The most significant transition in 2024 occurred on January 20, when Pluto entered Aquarius from Capricorn. On the same day, the Sun was conjunct Pluto, magnifying the intensity of this cosmic shift. Now...


The Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible is an enigmatic read. Full of futuristic visions, puzzling metaphors, and cryptic passages, it is thought to be a prophetic account of the end of times and the emergence of a new heaven and earth after the collapse of spiritually corrupted...


Life is like a box of crayons. Which colors will you choose this year to positively affect your emotions, state of mind, and energy? According to HMH Architecture & Interiors, Khaki Trenchcoat is a color that is having a big moment in 2024.

This neutral, light brown/beige color was...


Gemstones contain an ageless beauty that has always captivated and inspired the human spirit. Perhaps it’s the vibrant colors, sparkly sheen, quality of permanence, and geometric perfection that come together to create a bright energetic frequency--and this energy can spiritually attune us to a...

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If your birthday falls between December 22nd and January 19th, Capricorn is your sun sign. (Note, the dates can vary slightly each year.) Capricorn season coincides with the beginning of winter and the ringing in of a new year--a time of goal setting and making resolutions, which is right up...


On December 30th, Jupiter (giving benefits) started going direct. We will feel this for several days after the 30th, and it will give us a sense optimism and enthusiasm for 2024. This leaves only Uranus (chaos) to move directly on January 27th...


Cue the confetti, because 2024 is upon us! A new year signals a fresh start and sprinkles the air with a sense of optimism. It’s also a great time to revamp and renew your surroundings and to consider the quality of energy you want to live with during the next cycle. How will you color your...


Color is a form of vibrational medicine that subtly affects your consciousness, mood, and emotions. Being aware of this allows you to deliberately fill your aura and environment with colors that feed your soul.

Professional color forecasters have made their psychic...


2024 Color Trends and Corresponding Crystals—Cyber Citron

How will you color your world in 2024? Professional color forecasters have made their psychic predictions of which colors will reign next year in the field of design. According to HMH Architecture & Interiors,...


Our world is made of so much resplendent color. Each color ray is a specific vibrational frequency that subtly influences your consciousness, mood, and emotions.

Nurturing Earth tones bring a grounding and settling quality, like the sense of well-being you get from forest bathing. Soft...


Leo season comes in with a bang during the intensity of the midsummer sun. If your birthday falls between July 23rd and August 22nd, Leo is your sun sign. Leo is a fire sign, full of passion and warmth. Ruled by the sun, Leos shine brightly and attract many people into their orbit. The sun...

Crystals for Cancer Blog

The timing of the summer solstice coincides with the beginning of the Cancer zodiac season. If your birthday falls between June 21st and July 22nd, Cancer is your sun sign. Cancer is symbolized by the crab, soft and sensitive on the inside with a tough protective exterior. Crabs are connected...

Gemstone Treasures from Russia

Russia, a nation of mammoth proportions, expands across two continents and eleven time zones--that’s a lot of space and time! Consequently, Russia is rich with natural resources. Digging down deep, below layers of wintery precipitation and Earth, you find some of the most rare, enchanting, and...

Crystals for Gemini

Crystals for Gemini

If your birthday falls between May 21st and June 20th, Gemini is your sun sign. Gemini is symbolized by the twins, which is why Geminis are often perceived as having a dual nature or a split personality. Their element is air, which is associated with communication, the...

Crystals for Taurus

From April 20th through May 20th, it’s Taurus time. Taurus is represented by the bull: strong-willed and steadfast, generally calm unless riled. Since Taurus is an Earth sign, Taurus people are grounded, stable, wise, and sensual. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, pleasure, and...

Crystals for the Fire Sign Aries

The timing of the spring equinox heralds not only the start of the spring season but the beginning of the zodiac cycle. If your birthday falls between March 21st and April 19th, depending on the year, Aries is your sun sign. Aries is a fire sign, symbolized by the ram. It is ruled by Mars, the...

Crystals for Pisces

If your birthday falls between February 19th and March 20th, Pisces is your zodiac sun sign. Pisces is a water sign, symbolized by two fish joined together and swimming in opposite directions. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, and mysticism. Neptune is the last planet...

Rainbow Moonstone Stone of New Beginnings

Have you ever wondered just what the difference is between Moonstone and...

January Birthstone Black Onyx

January heralds in the New Year and is filled with so many pressures we often put upon ourselves such as New Year’s Resolutions. Additionally, we find ourselves trying to tie up loose ends from last year and start new projects for the new year. If there is one thing we need at this time it's...

NTRocks Unakite Blog

Unakite is a beautifully cheery stone that is perfect to feature in December. It just has that Christmas look to it! And, it being a heart stone, it brings a good reminder during the holiday season that it is just as rewarding to give from the heart as it is to receive. Learn more about...

December Birthstone Blue Topaz

December is a month of giving so there is no wonder it has three beautiful birthstones. The most predominantly known is...


Tiger’s Eye comes in a variety of colors but this month's focus is on Golden Tiger’s Eye. Tiger’s Eye is considered to be a stone of power and thus was named after the extremely powerful...


November is fortunate to have two beautiful gemstones as a birthstone. The lovely Topaz (particularly Golden Topaz) and the lusciously sunny Citrine. Originally, Citrine was often confused...


Whether you want to connect to the Angelic Realm or quickly feel soothed with spiritual peace and serenity, Angelite is for you! Learn more about this Blue Anhydrite, its history, healing properties, and how to use it here on Nature's Treasures Blog.

October Birthstone Tourmaline

Tourmaline is one of two birthstones associated with October, the other being Opal. In 1952, the American Gem Society and the National Retail Jewelers Council added Tourmaline as one of...

Zoilite Blog

2020 has been a year for massive growth, whether you were ready for it or not. We have experienced disease, fear, uncertainty, isolation, frustration, anger, selfishness, irrationality, etc., etc. We have also witnessed sacrifice, selflessness, unconditional love, courage, gratitude, and...

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Fluorite is one of the most popular minerals in the world, second only to Quartz. Fluorite has been deemed “the Genius Stone” and also “the Stone of Discernment” due to its purported ability to enhance the brain and mental body.

Fluorite reportedly stimulates the brain cells and helps...

Peridot Blog

If you ask people what September's birthstone is most would say Sapphire and they would be correct; however, that is one of the more modern changes that jewelers have made to our birthstones. This month we are reaching back through time and putting forth Peridot as our featured birthstone for...

Lapis Dragon Skull

One of the most beautiful and highly sought after stones in history is Lapis Lazuli. It is considered to be one of the most ancient of all stones. Melody, author of...

August Birthstone Blog

In the past Sardonyx and Peridot were the only birthstones for August. In July 2016...

Sirius Amethyst

A recent post on our Facebook page stirred up quite a bit of interest over the rare and beautiful...

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Today most people commonly associate Ruby as July's birthstone. Did you know this is a relatively new development? In ancient times many societies considered Carnelian to be July's Birthstone,...

Moss Agate Blog NTRocks

Moss agate is a beautiful milky white to translucent stone with green dendritic...

June Birthstone Moonstone Blog

June is known to have several birthstones. Along with Pearl & Alexandrite,...


Azeztulite is mostly known as a clear or...

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Although Emerald is the most well known birthstone for May, Chrysoprase is an...

Shungite The Miracle Stone

Shungite has had a lot of interest in the past several years, and for good reason! Shungite is the 2 billion year old mineral that is hailed as a modern “Miracle Stone” of the 21st century....

NT Herkimer Diamond

In traditional circles, Diamond is the birthstone for the month of April. However, we are seeing an increase of alternate stones being used, especially in Europe. Let us introduce you to one of them--...

Natural Moldavite Shapes

"Being made of stardust, we are much like a star. We shine with light and burn with inner fire... We don't need outside energy because we are energy" - Paramita Hazra

At one point in time the atoms that make up all celestial bodies whether stars, planets, moons or meteoroids were...


General Traits

Aquamarine is a beautiful Beryl ranging in colors of blue green to various inspiring hues of sky blue. The element it's associated with is water and...

The Love Stone Triad

Love has acquired many different names and definitions over the centuries. Regardless of which type you look at though, all forms of Love require a subject, namely one’s self or someone/something else. It is important to balance the love of self with the love of others, lest we become sociopaths...


The name Garnet comes from the Phoenician punica geranatum meaning pomegranate by way of the Latin granatum or granitus, and refers to this crystals distinct crystal habit, color and luster. Garnet...

Labradorite  The Magician Stone

“Magic, do as you will!” ~Schmendrick the Magician, The Last Unicorn (film version)

Labradorite was named after Labrador, Canada, where it was originally discovered. From this northern region, the Inuit people have passed down the story that the Aurora Borealis became trapped in...

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Turquoise may be the first gemstone ever mined. This opaque to transparent mineral has been cherished as a gem for over 7,000 years. Although the solid sky-blue color often called “Robin’s Egg Blue” or “Persian Blue” is by far the most popular, turquoise is also found in shades such as apple...


Although Turquoise is a traditional birthstone for December, its cousin, Chrysocolla also has some suitable traits in the month of holidays. Chrysocolla is a secondary copper mineral known to occur all over the world including Israel, Egypt, the Congo, Peru, Chile, Australia and is especially...


Solaris Golden Healer Quartz, originally named by the Nature's Treasures Family back in 2012, is a variety of high-grade quartz from Arkansas with a natural iron-titanium coating that formed as the quartz grew within an iron-rich clay matrix. Some believe that the coating resulted from lightning...


November birthstone topaz is beloved for a stunning and wide color range that includes various tones and saturations of blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple. The history of topaz suggests two possible origins for the word -- According to the Latin writer of the early Roman Empire...

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Although Jade holds great value in many cultures, it has also become one of the most ambiguous gem names on the market. Knuth outlines a progressive history of Jade in Gems in Myth, Legend and Lore. What we know today as “Jade” originally referred to the mineral Jadeite and became...

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*Opal Terminology:

“Play-of-color” is the proper term to describe the rainbow flashes in Precious Opal. In the gem world, “fire” refers to the effects of faceting a stone causing scintillation as light enters a gemstone, bending and refracting to result in flashes of color. This is a...

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Although Opal (SiO2*nH2O) has a similar chemical formula to quartz (SiO2), it does not possess a crystalline lattice and is therefore not a mineral like quartz. The lack of a crystalline lattice and presence of molecular water also makes Opal much less durable with a hardness of 5.5 compared to...

Opening the Akashic Records Maureen St. Germain

As a teacher of the Akashic Records, I teach people how to access the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are a field of energy that contains all the records of everything. It is a living field that reflects the energies of the past, present, and possible futures - like a library that is not...

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With only three months of non-freezing weather and a treacherous terrain, one could imagine that northern Russia was the Ninth Circle of Hell as depicted in Dante’s Inferno. It is no wonder that Siberia’s mineral resources are still vastly unexplored. Many mining companies find that the risks...


To provide some disambiguation Sapphire can occur in many colors and belongs to the Corundum (Al2O3) family. In its purest form, Corundum would be white (if opaque) or colorless (if translucent) because aluminum (Al) and oxygen (O) are both colorless. However, because this mineral is...

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Blue Sapphire likely derives its name from the Sanskrit word sanipriya meaning "dear to the planet Saturn," and is considered one of the few precious gemstones. By definition, a gemstone is a rare, beautiful and durable stone, and since...

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Fluorite (CaF2) belongs to the cubic crystal system, meaning that it is one of the most symmetric minerals on Earth. The blocky crystal habit of Fluorite epitomizes organization, and from it one can learn how to process, store, and recall information. Many energetic healers also report that...


Peridot, the birthstone for August, is the gem version of the mineral Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) that belongs to the Olivine Group. The name Olivine comes from this mineral group’s range of olive colors. The iron-rich end member (Fayalite – Fe2SiO4) is brown to black while the magnesium-rich end...

Natural Ruby in Zoisite July Birthstone at Natures Treasures in Austin Texas

Ruby gets its red color from trace amounts of chromium within this gem mineral. Therefore, it has a distinct hue that makes it stand out against the blues and greens of kyanite, fuchsite and zoisite. In all three cases the Rubies occur as red blebs in the blue or green backgrounds. In some...

Raw iolite stones

Iolite is the blue-violet variety of the mineral cordierite, (Mg,Fe)2Al3(AlSi5O18). Cordierite has many interesting optical properties including a high birefringence and dichroism. Dichroism literally translates from Greek as “two colored” and describes when a mineral appears different colors...

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Lori Lytle Coleman, owner of the Spanish Stirrup Rock Shop, got her rock hounding bug while farming with her late husband in the Mississippi Delta in the 1980's. It started with picking up rocks in the field before planting then became a fascination with arrowheads on the surface after a good...

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Agate is a rock comprised of layers of cryptocrystalline quartz known as chalcedony. Each layer represents a different period of mineralization, and thus has a unique character. When different elements or mineral inclusions are taken up by the chalcedony layers, they may have specific colors or...




It’s that time! Back to school is chock-full of items to consider and an opportunity to seek out resources that can help students in their classes this year. As an educator and former private tutor, I know firsthand the fears that students generally carry with them into school. In a tutoring...


Herkimer Diamonds are not diamonds at all! In fact, they are clear, double-terminated (pointed on both ends) QUARTZ crystals found hosted in the dolostone layers of Herkimer County, New York. Belonging to the quartz family, Herkimer Diamonds have the chemical formula SiO2 and...


Turquoise has a long standing history in the world that goes so far back as to predate its own name. Although the oldest piece of turquoise jewelry was found on a 7,500 year old mummy, the name turquoise, meaning "Turkish stone," was not coined until the early 13th century. The stone was given...


"O Sing, choirs of angels | sing in exultation" begins the second verse of the well-known Western Christmas carol "O Come, All Ye Faithful". As this song resounds in one's mind, this particular stanza may reverberate with an alternative meaning.

One could easily replace...


All fossils are rocks, but not all rocks are fossils. Once-living organisms can become preserved and, under the right conditions, the organic tissues of the organism can slowly become replaced by minerals such as calcite or quartz turning the remains into stone. This...


In modern times most people know amethyst as the February birthstone. However, Amethyst has a rich history in mythology and lore spanning time and the globe. The name is derived from the Greek word amethustos meaning 'not drunken,' although the etiological...


“We Rock”

Karen Richards is a daily fixture for countless Austin commuters. Delicately seated inside a giant amethyst geode, Richards has smiled radiantly

from a highly visible I-35 billboard for Nature’s Treasures since she opened her metaphysical rock shop in 2000. “Everyone feels...


There's a buzz phrase in the world of crystal healing...Negative Entropic Quartz. There are a number of different types of quartz crystals differentiated by mineral content and formation such as Generator crystals, Transmitters, Channelers and Elestials among other Master Crystals. Each...


Superman's Fortress of Solitude! In actuality, this is a gypsum (aka "selenite") crystal from the Naica Mine in Chihuahua, Mexico. The "Cavern of Crystal Giants" featured in National Geographic (...


Ametrine is a rare gem variety of quartz named for its naturally occurring combination of purple AMEthyst with yellow ciTRINE. These two color varieties are believed to occur together because of a process known as twinning by which two chemically distinct quartz crystals intergrow. The...


Nature's Treasures of Texas proudly sponsors the Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role Modeling (SAMRM) annual nursing conference in San Antonio. SAMRM strives to expand their understanding of holistic nursing and the application of alternative healing.

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Yesterday I took 80 new pics of beautiful new items, I'd never seen before at the store. It was so much fun to hear about each one. Here is just a sampling! Come in and see them all for yourselves!


We are working to become an Austin Green Business Leader!

Retrofitting and replacing store lights with energy efficient LED bulbs

Reducing paper by switching to a low energy POS system.

Switching from bottled water to a water filtration system.

Using rechargeable...


Sweet Satya is the creator of one of our new handcrafted, handdrilled lines of stone jewelry, including unique crystal headdresses that can be found exclusively at Nature's Treasures of Texas. If you would like to get to know the artist, check out her video below.


Earthy elements may elicit crystal clarity


Some people use classic art prints to decorate the interior of their homes. Others go for the “arts and crafts” motif, or at least a vintage look. Others are more the “salt of the earth”...


Saturday & Sunday, November 14 & 15, 9am - 5pm

Admission: $3/adult, $2/child (6-12), children under 6 free.

Special rates may apply for school, scout and youth groups.

Location: Old Settler's Heritage Association (inside)

Next to the Dell Diamond on US Highway...


Nature's Treasures donated door prizes to the American Cancer Society's first ever (in the nation) LGBT "Color Out Cancer" gala to celebrate survivors in the LGBT community and help raise awareness.


“Levity helps us rise above whatever has been bringing us down.”

-- Swami Beyondananda

Dear Friends, Fans and Co-Hearts:

Cosmic comic Swami Beyondananda, whose favorite yoga pose is tongue-in-cheek, will be bringing his brand...
