“Levity helps us rise above whatever has been bringing us down.”
-- Swami Beyondananda
Dear Friends, Fans and Co-Hearts:
Cosmic comic Swami Beyondananda, whose favorite yoga pose is tongue-in-cheek, will be bringing his brand of enlightening humor to the Nature's Treasures in Austin on Friday October 23rd and you are invited to join in the fun!
Maybe you’ve never seen the Swami before and are wondering, “A cosmic comic Swami? How does that work?" Or maybe you’ve heard about the Swami but haven’t yet gone to his show. So … why should you show up at this show?
Well, of course there is the simple answer: Why not?
But if you’re like most of the folks we know, you aren’t satisfied with simple answers. You want complex answers. OK, well we have come up with enough complex reasons for coming to see these show to satisfy anyone’s complex. Hopefully one or more of the Top Ten Reasons below will ring your bell and spur you to buy one or more tickets. Here goes:
# 10. The world is in serious condition because of our conditioning to be serious. Seriously. Laughter improves the atmosphere and could lead to political climate change.
# 9. The average child laughs 150 times a day, the average adult only 15. Do the math. Do the aftermath.
# 8. Did you know that one in four Americans suffer from humorrhoids and don’t even know it? Don’t fall victim to this silent joy-killer. Just one Youngman of laughter – the humor contained in one of Swami’s wacky one-liners – can relieve up to a mega-hurt of emotional distress. The laugh you save may be your own …
# 7. You've gained a bit of weight at those harvest gatherings. No worries. Studies show that laughter burns calories. Bring your friends and family on October 23rd -- and laugh your ass off!
# 6. Did you know the quality of life in your community is directly related to the “laugh force” that is generated? A rocking house filled with raucous laughter can create a farce field powerful enough to cause people to smile for no reason up to a mile away! Do you think this kind of power can help us heal the hole in the Bozone layer? You betcha.
# 5. Swami promises to answer or evade all of your questions. In other words, if you have an answerable question the Swami will have a questionable answer. Something puzzling you? Ask the Swami, and have it puzzle him too.
# 4. Are you a Bullwinkle fan? A Dylan fan? An Elvis fan? All of the above? You’ll get to see and hear Swami channel them ALL AT ONCE.
# 3. Do you believe in the hereafter? Well, Swami will be here after the show signing books. You can’t lose. If he becomes really, really famous you will have a famous autograph. Otherwise you will have a rare book.
# 2. Concerned about the economy? Here’s great news. Swami pledges that all the money taken in during this show … will be spent in the economy!
#1. And the Number One reason to come to one of Swami’s performances? Unconditional love. Who doesn’t want or need unconditional love? So here is Swami’s unconditional guarantee: Come to this show, and I will love you unconditionally!
Here are the details:
Evening of Cosmic Comedy With Swami Beyondananda
Friday, October 23rd 7 pm
Nature's Treasures
4103 North IH-35, Austin TX 78722
(Northbound frontage road between 38 1/2 Street and Airport Blvd.)
Tickets: $20 advance, $25 door
And ... please tell your friends, because when it comes to laughter, the more the merrier.