August Artist -Julie Reeves
I discovered that painting was what I was meant to do. Since that time, I have discovered the images that Spirit give me and how to make colors and light sing. I enjoy working with watercolors and mixed media; my subject matter is mainly landscapes, flowers spiritual studies and birdlife. I have been branching out into abstract shapes. I strive to show that the seemingly delicate medium of watercolor can be bold, rich and dramatic.
These paintings are crafted from watercolors made from actual semi-precious and other Earth stones ground and mixed into watercolor medium. These stones include Turquoise, Amethyst, Sedona Red, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger Eye and many others. They are made with gum Arabic and honey as a binder by a company called Daniel Smith. The paper used is transparent so that it reflects sunlight through the individual colors. The results are living color energies that radiate from the paper to heal and lift spirits.
As with all original watercolor art pieces, they should be matted (not placed against a glass) and hung in a place out of direct sunlight. They are permanent-sealed art works (just avoid moisture) intended to be treasured by you and your family.
Please enjoy them as they open your chakras to their healing.
Blessed Be, Julie Reeves 512-694-7406