

Welcome to the mysterious season of dramatic Mother Earth energy! Scorpio season—arriving between October 22 and November 21—sticks to its highly transformative and emotional vibes in 2024. Regardless of your sign, you will all be inspired to embody the Spiritual Seeker, searching for deep, spiritual truths as new pathways unfold right before your eyes.

November 1 New Moon in Scorpio, set the intention of shedding your old skin, allowing a new version to develop right beneath it. This is a big month, with elections coming up on the 5th.

On November 3, driven Mars clashes by opposition with Pluto gives each of us an intense passion for achieving your strongest desires. You may go to great lengths to achieve victory in this competitive spirit. This battle may be internal, in which you strive to reach your full potential and better past efforts.

For all of us generally there will be many power plays the entire first week of this month. Things are likely to be a bit unsettled, so spending time “being” at the start of each day could help each of us remain calm and collected. Take breath before you react or speak, especially with Mars in Cancer there will be a strong urge to protect your home and homeland.

November 19, Pluto, the planet of healing and collective change—sits in one of the most potent places in the sky before entering Aquarius (for good) on November 19. Even if parts of ourselves are still nostalgic about the past, we are moving forward collectively and personally. Pluto has been in Capricorn for the past 20 years, giving power to large corporations, patriarchal control and outdated ways of functioning. Its move into Aquarius instead gives power to humanitarian efforts, new technology, environmental concerns and agrarian processes.

November 19, Uranus, the planet of chaos and change, another celestial big-hitter whose chaotic task is to release us from the stagnant energy that might be preventing us from reaching our true genius. Collectively it is in a sextile (60 deg. angle, positive) to Pluto, abruptly changing the course of large-scale events, and revealing long held secrets.

November 15, Saturn, the planet of responsibility and structure, is going direct, which can open up options for you. This will cause your projects to move forward again. You will feel more motivated, less frustrated and start to see your work pay off.

November 25th, Mercury begins another period of apparent retrograde motion on the 25th. It will remain so until the day of the Full Moon on December 15. It might be a good idea to get some holiday shopping done early this month to avoid the potential confusion that Mercury retrograde can bring.

November 30, Neptune, the planet of spiritual growth and love energy is slowing down to go retrograde in early December. This brings it into a triple sextile with Uranus and Pluto. The Uranus Neptune sextile represents a period of cultural renaissance and transformation of the visions and ideals that underpin society and the first exact alignment is in August 2025. The Uranus Pluto trine represents a period of revolutionary cultural and technological change that transforms society. The first exact alignment is in July 2026 but they will be exact by degree in 2025. These planets being in this triple sextile are what is driving the metamorphosis of the Earth and all its inhabitants into a new, more humanitarian/environment/spiritual energy going forward.

Overall, it feels like the veil is being pulled back on negative activities at this time, but it is strong energies that may result in some people feeling ungrounded or losing their footing.

Try to stay in stillness, peace, love, bare feet on the ground, feeling the Oneness of all living beings. Can you blend with the animals, the trees perhaps, and feel what they are feeling? This sense of merging or morphing will be using Neptune energy well, as long as you stay grounded. This energy is excellent for boosting your creativity and your spiritual practice, so meditate, do breath-work, listen to sacred music, paint, write, sing, dance . . . and imagine that you are breathing in love, and breathing out love. But above all . . . VOTE!!