

September is one of the busiest months of 2024! With all this energy circling, plus the Eclipses, September will likely be a highly transformative month. How we begin the month is likely not how we end it!

The Eclipses will most likely dominate the planetary energies. We can feel Eclipses up to a month before they arrive and for a month after. We have one Eclipse this month, a Pisces Lunar Eclipse on the 17th, and the Solar Eclipse will be on October 2nd, so it’s safe to say that both September and October will carry a very similar energy. We may even have to wait until the end of October to truly recognize the transformation that has taken place.

In the first part of the month, we will be supported by the earthy energy of Virgo, guiding us to focus on our health and to build up our inner resources. This is the perfect way to lean into this energy, so try your best to build up your inner world and focus on creating inner strength. Adopt some healthy habits, protect your energy field, be firm in your boundaries, and treat your body as a temple.

In the second half of the month, and as we get closer to the Eclipse, we may feel the Universe calling us to surrender or release old emotional trauma or toxic relationships. While we need to consider carefully what to let go, we may also need to put our foot down and stand up for ourselves.

The Equinox and the Sun moving into Libra, will encourage us to find this balance between surrendering and maintaining control. Pay attention to what we need to let go of, and what we need to take charge of. We may also have to conserve our energy and find supportive ways to nurture and nourish our beings so we don’t feel burnt out.

By the end of September, we are still going to be in the transformative waves of Eclipse Season, but we will likely have encountered an ending of some kind. We may feel that a chapter has closed, and we may be waiting for what will open. October is likely to bring those answers.

Let’s break down the main events of the month and how you can make the most of each day September has to offer;


September 1: Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

Uranus, the planet of chaos and independence stations retrograde, is encouraging us to reflect and review any recent life changes. We may begin to see how the changes we have made are serving us, or perhaps not serving us. If we have been dealing with surprising or unsettling events, we may begin to receive some clarity and deeper understanding.

September 2: Mercury Trine Chiron

Now that Mercury is traveling direct again, we have a chance to straighten out some of the technical glitches or misunderstandings that have been happening. Chiron (the healing dwarf planet) reminds us that all painful events can be teachers for us to help us grow and step into a deeper understanding of who we are. Mercury trine Chiron can also inspire us to have mental breakthroughs that can bring a deep healing. This is a good time to talk things through with a friend or journal.

September 3: Mars Square Neptune

Mars in Gemini will square Retrograde Neptune in the first part of September, turning up the heat when it comes to taking action around foggy or unclear situations. If someone in our lives has been unclear in their motives or is being deceitful, the impulse of Mars will bring that to light. We may feel our tolerance level is low for those who have not been honest with us. Mars Square Neptune can also help us on our spiritual journey too. We may feel more committed or find ourselves stepping into deeper growth and understanding when it comes to our spiritual connection.

September 7: Mercury Square Uranus

A pretty confusing day where plans may be disrupted and driving may be crazy (be careful)! Don’t believe everything you hear today, as things are likely to be lost in translation. Perhaps avoid scheduling important events, or try to have everything in writing so you can check it later. Some surprising information may come out of the blue that throws things for a loop, but there’s a good possibility that there’s more information to be revealed or more clarity on the way.

September 18: Full Moon in Pisces Lunar Eclipse

Welcome to Eclipse Season! This Pisces Lunar Eclipse is special as it gives us a taste of what is to come under the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle that fully activates next year. Eclipses follow an 18-month cycle, so we are just in the very early stages of what this Eclipse cycle is destined to bring. Lunar eclipses are relationship-oriented. The “crisis” that these eclipses tend to elicit is a crisis of lack–a time when we suddenly realize a great need or want. The impact of the crisis can reveal that something important is missing in a relationship–it’s possible. But it can also bring two people together with a sudden awareness of a great need for each other. And it is not always about relationships between two people. It can trigger awareness of an important element missing in other areas of our lives, such as our relationship to work, to our health and bodies, and so forth. This is a time when matters come to light–things that have been brewing under the surface. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse is likely to bring an ending to a chapter (maybe a book). We must try to listen to our inner voice and be mindful of our energy and who we are choosing to surround ourselves with.

September 23: Venus in Scorpio

Venus moves out of its ruling sign of Libra and into Scorpio, where it can embrace more of its deeper, shadow qualities. This is a good time to embrace your inner personality and learn to love what you find. Our shadow side is connected to our subconscious, but it can also embody our deepest desires and passions. See if you can face up to what you truly desire. See if you can fully embrace your passions and the things that you want. You may be surprised what is on the other side!

September 26: Mercury in Libra

Mercury moves into Libra, encouraging us to think of others and to put ourselves in the mindset of those around us. We can feel more compassion and more connected to people closest to us. We may also find it easier to understand where others are coming from.

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