Denise Nitti
Healing for the Body, Mind & Soul
Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner
Reiki Master Teacher
Psychic Medium
Angel Readings
Intuitive Energy Artist
The Emotion Code
Are you struggling under the weight of something you can’t quite define?
Do you feel your present is being held hostage by your past? It may not be your imagination.
The premise of The Emotion Code is that the energy of past emotions can literally become trapped in your body, affecting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
These Trapped Emotions could be keeping you in patterns of discomfort, sorrow, failure, and heartbreak. The Emotion Code can help you discover and get rid of negative emotional energy and unpack your emotional baggage for good.
The Emotion Code is designed to help you:
- Resolve Physical Discomfort
- Ease Emotional Wounds
- Conquer Self-Doubt
- Restore Love to Relationships
- Break Cycles of Self-Sabotage
The Body Code
The Body Code is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit — so you can have the opportunity to make corrections right on the spot.
6 Healing benefits of The Body Code:
- Emotional Wellness
- Body System Balance & Toxin Resolution
- Pathogen Resolution
- Structural Balance
- Nutrition & Lifestyle
Reiki is a powerful healing modality that has been found to produce profound results through gentle touch, and energy transfer.
Reiki helps to release lower vibrational energies that no longer serve you, and it helps to restore and create new, healthy cells. It also helps to clear energy blockages and to align your chakras.
Whether you want to receive Reiki for emotional trauma healing, energy level balancing, or to develop yourself spiritually, Reiki has endless advantages.
Benefits of Reiki Healing:
- Relaxes and Releases Tension from The Body
- Cleanses Body of Toxins and Supports Immune System
- Clears The Mind and Improves Focus
- Improves Sleep
- Helps Spiritual Growth and Emotional Cleansing
* I also offer Reiki Master Certification classes
Angel Readings
I receive Gentle and Loving Guidance through dialogue with Angels, Guides, and your Higher Self. This guidance will assist you in creating momentum, and inspire you to move forward.
I may also be guided to share tools to integrate into your daily life, to help increase mindfulness, awareness, and to raise your vibration. Each session is unique to the individual I am working with, and it unfolds exactly as needed.
Angels are always present and always willing to help.
Common areas for guidance include:
- Relationships
- Spiritual Growth
- Life Path
- Business/Career
- Validation from Loved Ones
Intuitive Energy Artist
I connect with your energy and paint what I feel. Sometimes I paint with my hands and sometimes with a brush. *Personalized Message included with each painting
- Angel Messages
- Personalized Readings
- Personalized Energy Painting
- Vibrational Energy Paintings
Available by appointment:
* Remote sessions available
Call: (512) 522.7476 E-mail: dnitti555@gmail.com
Website: https://www.denisenitti.com